Where are the entrepreneurs?
Sustainable economic development comes from innovation and industrialization – this is what draws employees to cities and in turn creates demand for housing, amenities, and everything related to quality of life. Marshalltown has truly been a startup town that has seen large industrial players start here and expand. The Marshalltown Area Chamber of Commerce wants to further that trend. Our role is to help preserve, protect, and grow the free enterprise system. We recognize that, in order to grow, we have to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. New businesses have the potential of attracting customers, workers, and visitors from all over the region; the new traffic flow then creates demand for other types of goods and services. The multiplier effect from a singular investment can create powerful ripples throughout the local economy.
Today, there is a tremendous shortage across the United States within the STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) fields for both labor and new products. Pent up demand has prompted the creation of incubators and start up accelerators in multiple cities in the U.S. Venture capitalists and angel investors are constantly hunting for new, disruptive, and groundbreaking deals to invest in. Academia has learned to better align their curriculums with the needs of our employers in order to fill the supply gap. Whether you have a way to revolutionize farming, manufacturing, or even coffee making – we want to hear from you!
This is the time to invest, not tomorrow or a year from now. If not today, when?